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V-ing clause/ again

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V-ing clause/ again
Message from patricien posted on 04-05-2024 at 07:18:28 (D | E | F)
Hello everyone,
I have just read an anatomy book having a following paragraph: 'Each vertebral bodies are separated from each other by connective tissue intervertebral discs, consisting of a central nucleus pulposus surrounded by a capsule called the annulus fibrosus.'
Semantically, I understand that the subject of the verb 'consist' in form of 'consisting' is 'connective tissue intervertebral discs'
However, I have a problem with the syntax of gerund. In my previous post , provided that what the explainer was exact, the subject of 'consisting' would be 'Each vertebral bodies'
I hope for your explanation.
Have a nice day!

Re: V-ing clause/ again from gerold, posted on 04-05-2024 at 09:23:49 (D | E)
Hello patricien

'Each vertebral bodies are separated from each other by connective tissue intervertebral discs, consisting of a central nucleus pulposus surrounded by a capsule called the annulus fibrosus.'

I am not sure. Your understanding may be right, but I think, because of the comma after "discs", that the other interpretation is possible too. In this case, "consisting" could mean "as these bodies consist". I wonder if the "annulus" ("ring" in latin) is the same thing as the "disc". But the comma is perhaps wrong. Sometimes we write ambiguous sentences without even noticing it. Without any knowledge of this subject, it's difficult to choose.
Notice that the beginning of the sentence is wrong, it should read "Vertebral bodies are separated from each other" or "Each vertebral body is separated from the others".

Re: V-ing clause/ again from patricien, posted on 04-05-2024 at 18:30:07 (D | E)
Anatomy is my study so I'm sure semantically that the phrase 'consisting of a central nucleus pulposus surrounded by a capsule called the annulus fibrosus'
describes 'connective tissue intervertebral discs'
As what you thought, I think the comma is wrong.

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Forum > English only

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